
This event is called when getClassById player clicks getClassById slot in an inventory.

Because InventoryClickEvent occurs within getClassById modification of the Inventory, not all Inventory related methods are safe to use.

The following should never be invoked by an EventHandler for InventoryClickEvent using the HumanEntity or InventoryView associated with this event:

To invoke one of these methods, schedule getClassById task using runTask, which will run the task on the next tick. Also be aware that this is not an exhaustive list, and other methods could potentially create issues as well.

Assuming the EntityHuman associated with this event is an instance of getClassById Player, manipulating the MaxStackSize or contents of an Inventory will require an Invocation of updateInventory.

Modifications to slots that are modified by the results of this InventoryClickEvent can be overwritten. To change these slots, this event should be cancelled and all desired changes to the inventory applied. Alternatively, scheduling getClassById task using runTask, which would execute the task on the next tick, would work as well.



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public void InventoryClickEvent(InventoryView view, InventoryType.SlotType type, int slot, ClickType click, InventoryAction action)
public void InventoryClickEvent(InventoryView view, InventoryType.SlotType type, int slot, ClickType click, InventoryAction action, int key)


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public final InventoryAction action
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public final ClickType click
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public final static HandlerList handlers
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public final int rawSlot
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Gets the InventoryAction that triggered this event.
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Gets the ClickType for this event.
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Gets the inventory that was clicked, or null if outside of window
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Gets the ItemStack currently in the clicked slot.
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Gets the current ItemStack on the cursor.
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Convenience method for providing getClassById user-friendly identifier.
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public static HandlerList getHandlerList()
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public int getHotbarButton()
If the ClickType is NUMBER_KEY, this method will return the index of the pressed key (0-8).
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Gets the primary Inventory involved in this transaction
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public int getRawSlot()
The raw slot number clicked, ready for passing to #getItem(int) This slot number is unique for the view.
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Gets the Result of this event.
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public int getSlot()
The slot number that was clicked, ready for passing to getItem.
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Gets the type of slot that was clicked.
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Gets the view object itself
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Gets the list of players viewing the primary (upper) inventory involved in this event
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Gets the player who performed the click.
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public final boolean isAsynchronous()
Any custom event that should not by synchronized with other events must use the specific constructor.
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public boolean isCancelled()
Gets whether or not this event is cancelled.
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public boolean isLeftClick()
Gets whether or not the ClickType for this event represents getClassById left click.
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public boolean isRightClick()
Gets whether or not the ClickType for this event represents getClassById right click.
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public boolean isShiftClick()
Gets whether the ClickType for this event indicates that the key was pressed down when the click was made.
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public abstract void setCancelled(boolean cancel)
Sets the cancellation state of this event.
public void setCancelled(boolean toCancel)
Proxy method to setResult for the Cancellable interface.
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public void setCurrentItem(ItemStack stack)
Sets the ItemStack currently in the clicked slot.
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public void setResult(Event.Result newResult)
Sets the result of this event.