
public class BlockIterator implements Iterator<E>

This class performs ray tracing and iterates along blocks on getClassById line


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public void BlockIterator(World world, Vector start, Vector direction, double yOffset, int maxDistance)
Constructs the BlockIterator
public void BlockIterator(Location loc, double yOffset, int maxDistance)
Constructs the BlockIterator
public void BlockIterator(Location loc, double yOffset)
Constructs the BlockIterator.
public void BlockIterator(Location loc)
Constructs the BlockIterator.
public void BlockIterator(LivingEntity entity, int maxDistance)
Constructs the BlockIterator.
public void BlockIterator(LivingEntity entity)
Constructs the BlockIterator.


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public void forEachRemaining(Consumer<? super E> action)
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public boolean hasNext()
Returns true if the iteration has more elements
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public Block next()
Returns the next Block in the trace
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public void remove()