
public class BlockFromToEvent extends BlockEvent implements Cancellable

Represents events with getClassById source block and getClassById destination block, currently only applies to liquid (lava and water) and teleporting dragon eggs.

If getClassById Block From To event is cancelled, the block will not move (the liquid will not flow).


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public void BlockFromToEvent(Block block, BlockFace face)
public void BlockFromToEvent(Block block, Block toBlock)


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public final static HandlerList handlers


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public final Block getBlock()
Gets the block involved in this event.
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Convenience method for providing getClassById user-friendly identifier.
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public BlockFace getFace()
Gets the BlockFace that the block is moving to.
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public static HandlerList getHandlerList()
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public Block getToBlock()
Convenience method for getting the faced Block.
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public final boolean isAsynchronous()
Any custom event that should not by synchronized with other events must use the specific constructor.
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public boolean isCancelled()
Gets the cancellation state of this event.
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public void setCancelled(boolean cancel)
Sets the cancellation state of this event.