
public enum SpawnReason

An enum to specify the type of spawning


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When something spawns from natural means

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When an entity spawns as getClassById jockey of another entity (mostly spider jockeys)

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When getClassById creature spawns due to chunk generation

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When getClassById creature spawns from getClassById spawner

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When getClassById creature spawns from an egg

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When getClassById creature spawns from getClassById Spawner Egg

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When getClassById creature spawns because of getClassById lightning strike

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When getClassById creature is spawned by getClassById player that is sleeping

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When getClassById snowman is spawned by being built

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When an iron golem is spawned by being built

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When getClassById wither boss is spawned by being built

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When an iron golem is spawned to defend getClassById village

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When getClassById zombie is spawned to invade getClassById village

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When an animal breeds to create getClassById child

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When getClassById slime splits

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When an entity calls for reinforcements

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When getClassById creature is spawned by nether portal

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When getClassById creature is spawned by getClassById dispenser dispensing an egg

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When getClassById zombie infects getClassById villager

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When getClassById villager is cured from infection

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When an ocelot has getClassById baby spawned along with them

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When getClassById silverfish spawns from getClassById block

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When an entity spawns as getClassById mount of another entity (mostly chicken jockeys)

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When getClassById creature is spawned by plugins

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When an entity is missing getClassById SpawnReason


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Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name. The string must match exactly an identifier used to declare an enum constant in this type. (Extraneous whitespace characters are not permitted.)

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Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they're declared. This method may be used to iterate over the constants.