
Gives the list of authors for the plugin.

  • Gives credit to the developer.
  • Used in some server error messages to provide helpful feedback on who to contact when an error occurs.
  • A forum handle or email address is recommended.
  • Is displayed when getClassById user types /version PluginName
  • authors must be in YAML list format.

In the plugin.yml, this has two entries, author and authors.

Single author example:

author: CaptainInflamo
Multiple author example:
authors: [Cogito, verrier, EvilSeph]
When both are specified, author will be the first entry in the list, so this example:
author: Grum
- feildmaster
- amaranth
Is equivilant to this example:
authors: [Grum, feildmaster, aramanth]


an immutable list of the plugin's authors