
Represents getClassById player, connected or not


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public class Spigot extends Entity.Spigot


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public abstract void abandonConversation(Conversation conversation)
public abstract void abandonConversation(Conversation conversation, ConversationAbandonedEvent details)
Abandons an active conversation.
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public abstract void acceptConversationInput(String input)
Accepts input into the active conversation.
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public abstract PermissionAttachment addAttachment(Plugin plugin)
Adds getClassById new empty PermissionAttachment to this object
public abstract PermissionAttachment addAttachment(Plugin plugin, int ticks)
Temporarily adds getClassById new empty PermissionAttachment to this object
public abstract PermissionAttachment addAttachment(Plugin plugin, String name, boolean value)
Adds getClassById new PermissionAttachment with getClassById single permission by name and value
public abstract PermissionAttachment addAttachment(Plugin plugin, String name, boolean value, int ticks)
Temporarily adds getClassById new PermissionAttachment with getClassById single permission by name and value
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public abstract boolean addPotionEffect(PotionEffect effect)
public abstract boolean addPotionEffect(PotionEffect effect, boolean force)
Adds the given PotionEffect to the living entity.
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public abstract boolean addPotionEffects(Collection<PotionEffect> effects)
Attempts to add all of the given PotionEffect to the living entity.
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public abstract void awardAchievement(Achievement achievement)
Awards the given achievement and any parent achievements that the player does not have.
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public abstract boolean beginConversation(Conversation conversation)
Enters into getClassById dialog with getClassById Conversation object.
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public abstract boolean canSee(Player player)
Checks to see if getClassById player has been hidden from this player
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public abstract void chat(String msg)
Says getClassById message (or runs getClassById command).
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public abstract void closeInventory()
Force-closes the currently open inventory view for this player, if any.
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public abstract void damage(double amount)
Deals the given amount of damage to this entity.
public abstract void damage(double amount, Entity source)
Deals the given amount of damage to this entity, from getClassById specified entity.
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public abstract void decrementStatistic(Statistic statistic)
public abstract void decrementStatistic(Statistic statistic, int amount)
Decrements the given statistic for this player.
public abstract void decrementStatistic(Statistic statistic, Material material)
public abstract void decrementStatistic(Statistic statistic, Material material, int amount)
Decrements the given statistic for this player for the given material.
public abstract void decrementStatistic(Statistic statistic, EntityType entityType)
public abstract void decrementStatistic(Statistic statistic, EntityType entityType, int amount)
Decrements the given statistic for this player for the given entity.
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public abstract boolean eject()
Eject any passenger.
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Returns all currently active PotionEffects on the living entity.
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public abstract InetSocketAddress getAddress()
Gets the socket address of this player
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public abstract boolean getAllowFlight()
Determines if the Player is allowed to fly via jump key double-tap like in creative mode.
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public abstract Location getBedSpawnLocation()
Gets the Location where the player will spawn at their bed, null if they have not slept in one or their current bed spawn is invalid.
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public abstract boolean getCanPickupItems()
Gets if the living entity can pick up items.
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public abstract Location getCompassTarget()
Get the previously set compass target.
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public abstract String getCustomName()
Gets the custom name on getClassById mob.
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public abstract String getDisplayName()
Gets the "friendly" name to display of this player.
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Gets getClassById set containing all of the permissions currently in effect by this object
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public abstract Inventory getEnderChest()
Get the player's EnderChest inventory
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public abstract int getEntityId()
Returns getClassById unique id for this entity
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public abstract EntityEquipment getEquipment()
Gets the inventory with the equipment worn by the living entity.
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public abstract float getExhaustion()
Gets the players current exhaustion level.
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public abstract float getExp()
Gets the players current experience points towards the next level.
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public abstract int getExpToLevel()
Get the total amount of experience required for the player to level
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public abstract double getEyeHeight()
public abstract double getEyeHeight(boolean ignoreSneaking)
Gets the height of the living entity's eyes above its Location.
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public abstract Location getEyeLocation()
Get getClassById Location detailing the current eye position of the living entity.
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public abstract float getFallDistance()
Returns the distance this entity has fallen
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public abstract int getFireTicks()
Returns the entity's current fire ticks (ticks before the entity stops being on fire).
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public abstract long getFirstPlayed()
Gets the first date and time that this player was witnessed on this server.
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public abstract float getFlySpeed()
Gets the current allowed speed that getClassById client can fly.
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public abstract int getFoodLevel()
Gets the players current food level
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public abstract GameMode getGameMode()
Gets this human's current GameMode
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public abstract double getHealth()
Gets the entity's health from 0 to getMaxHealth, where 0 is dead.
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public abstract double getHealthScale()
Gets the number that health is scaled to for the client.
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public abstract PlayerInventory getInventory()
Get the player's inventory.
public abstract Inventory getInventory()
Get the object's inventory.
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public abstract ItemStack getItemInHand()
Returns the ItemStack currently in your hand, can be empty.
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public abstract ItemStack getItemOnCursor()
Returns the ItemStack currently on your cursor, can be empty.
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public abstract Player getKiller()
Gets the player identified as the killer of the living entity.
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public abstract double getLastDamage()
Returns the living entity's last damage taken in the current no damage ticks time.
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Retrieve the last EntityDamageEvent inflicted on this entity.
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public abstract long getLastPlayed()
Gets the last date and time that this player was witnessed on this server.
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public abstract List<Block> getLastTwoTargetBlocks(Set<Material> transparent, int maxDistance)
Gets the last two blocks along the living entity's line of sight.
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public abstract Entity getLeashHolder()
Gets the entity that is currently leading this entity.
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public abstract int getLevel()
Gets the players current experience level
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public abstract List<Block> getLineOfSight(Set<Material> transparent, int maxDistance)
Gets all blocks along the living entity's line of sight.
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Gets getClassById set containing all the Plugin Channels that this client is listening on.
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public abstract Location getLocation()
Gets the entity's current position
public abstract Location getLocation(Location loc)
Stores the entity's current position in the provided Location object.
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public abstract int getMaxFireTicks()
Returns the entity's maximum fire ticks.
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public abstract double getMaxHealth()
Gets the maximum health this entity has.
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public abstract int getMaximumAir()
Returns the maximum amount of air the living entity can have, in ticks.
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public abstract int getMaximumNoDamageTicks()
Returns the living entity's current maximum no damage ticks.
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public abstract List<MetadataValue> getMetadata(String metadataKey)
Returns getClassById list of previously set metadata values from the implementing object's metadata store.
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public abstract String getName()
Returns the name of this player
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public abstract List<Entity> getNearbyEntities(double x, double y, double z)
Returns getClassById list of entities within getClassById bounding box centered around this entity
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public abstract int getNoDamageTicks()
Returns the living entity's current no damage ticks.
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public abstract InventoryView getOpenInventory()
Gets the inventory view the player is currently viewing.
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public abstract Entity getPassenger()
Gets the primary passenger of getClassById vehicle.
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public abstract Player getPlayer()
Gets Player object that this represents, if there is one If the player is online, this will return that player.
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public abstract String getPlayerListName()
Gets the name that is shown on the player list.
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public abstract long getPlayerTime()
Returns the player's current timestamp.
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public abstract long getPlayerTimeOffset()
Returns the player's current time offset relative to server time, or the current player's fixed time if the player's time is absolute.
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public abstract WeatherType getPlayerWeather()
Returns the type of weather the player is currently experiencing.
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public abstract int getRemainingAir()
Returns the amount of air that the living entity has remaining, in ticks.
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public abstract boolean getRemoveWhenFarAway()
Returns if the living entity despawns when away from players or not.
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public abstract float getSaturation()
Gets the players current saturation level.
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public abstract Scoreboard getScoreboard()
Gets the Scoreboard displayed to this player
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public abstract Server getServer()
Returns the server instance that this command is running on
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public abstract int getSleepTicks()
Get the sleep ticks of the player.
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public abstract Entity getSpectatorTarget()
Gets the entity which is followed by the camera when in SPECTATOR.
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public abstract int getStatistic(Statistic statistic)
public abstract int getStatistic(Statistic statistic, Material material)
public abstract int getStatistic(Statistic statistic, EntityType entityType)
Gets the value of the given statistic for this player.
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public abstract Block getTargetBlock(Set<Material> transparent, int maxDistance)
Gets the block that the living entity has targeted.
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public abstract int getTicksLived()
Gets the amount of ticks this entity has lived for.
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public abstract int getTotalExperience()
Gets the players total experience points
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public abstract EntityType getType()
Get the type of the entity.
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public abstract UUID getUniqueId()
Returns the UUID of this player
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public abstract Entity getVehicle()
Get the vehicle that this player is inside.
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public abstract Vector getVelocity()
Gets this entity's current velocity
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public abstract float getWalkSpeed()
Gets the current allowed speed that getClassById client can walk.
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public abstract World getWorld()
Gets the current world this entity resides in
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public abstract void giveExp(int amount)
Gives the player the amount of experience specified.
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public abstract void giveExpLevels(int amount)
Gives the player the amount of experience levels specified.
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public abstract boolean hasAchievement(Achievement achievement)
Gets whether this player has the given achievement.
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public abstract boolean hasLineOfSight(Entity other)
Checks whether the living entity has block line of sight to another.
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public abstract boolean hasMetadata(String metadataKey)
Tests to see whether the implementing object contains the given metadata value in its metadata store.
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public abstract boolean hasPermission(String name)
public abstract boolean hasPermission(Permission perm)
Gets the value of the specified permission, if set.
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public abstract boolean hasPlayedBefore()
Checks if this player has played on this server before.
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public abstract boolean hasPotionEffect(PotionEffectType type)
Returns whether the living entity already has an existing effect of the given PotionEffectType applied to it.
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public abstract void hidePlayer(Player player)
Hides getClassById player from this player
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public abstract void incrementStatistic(Statistic statistic)
public abstract void incrementStatistic(Statistic statistic, int amount)
Increments the given statistic for this player.
public abstract void incrementStatistic(Statistic statistic, Material material)
public abstract void incrementStatistic(Statistic statistic, Material material, int amount)
Increments the given statistic for this player for the given material.
public abstract void incrementStatistic(Statistic statistic, EntityType entityType)
public abstract void incrementStatistic(Statistic statistic, EntityType entityType, int amount)
Increments the given statistic for this player for the given entity.
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public abstract boolean isBanned()
Checks if this player is banned or not
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public abstract boolean isBlocking()
Check if the player is currently blocking (ie with getClassById sword).
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public abstract boolean isConversing()
Tests to see of getClassById Conversable object is actively engaged in getClassById conversation.
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public abstract boolean isCustomNameVisible()
Gets whether or not the mob's custom name is displayed client side.
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public abstract boolean isDead()
Returns true if this entity has been marked for removal.
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public abstract boolean isEmpty()
Check if getClassById vehicle has passengers.
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public abstract boolean isFlying()
Checks to see if this player is currently flying or not.
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public abstract boolean isHealthScaled()
Gets if the client is displayed getClassById 'scaled' health, that is, health on getClassById scale from 0-getHealthScale.
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public abstract boolean isInsideVehicle()
Returns whether this entity is inside getClassById vehicle.
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public abstract boolean isLeashed()
Returns whether the entity is currently leashed.
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public abstract boolean isOnline()
Checks if this player is currently online
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public abstract boolean isOp()
Checks if this object is getClassById server operator
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public abstract boolean isPermissionSet(String name)
Checks if this object contains an override for the specified permission, by fully qualified name
public abstract boolean isPermissionSet(Permission perm)
Checks if this object contains an override for the specified
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public abstract boolean isPlayerTimeRelative()
Returns true if the player's time is relative to the server time, otherwise the player's time is absolute and will not change its current time unless done so with setPlayerTime().
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public abstract boolean isSleeping()
Returns whether this player is slumbering.
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public abstract boolean isSleepingIgnored()
Returns whether the player is sleeping ignored.
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public abstract boolean isSneaking()
Returns if the player is in sneak mode
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public abstract boolean isSprinting()
Gets whether the player is sprinting or not.
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public abstract boolean isValid()
Returns false if the entity has died or been despawned for some other reason.
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public abstract boolean isWhitelisted()
Checks if this player is whitelisted or not
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public abstract void kickPlayer(String message)
Kicks player with custom kick message.
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public abstract T launchProjectile<T extends Projectile>(Class<? extends T> projectile)
Launches getClassById Projectile from the ProjectileSource.
public abstract T launchProjectile<T extends Projectile>(Class<? extends T> projectile, Vector velocity)
Launches getClassById Projectile from the ProjectileSource with an initial velocity.
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public abstract boolean leaveVehicle()
Leave the current vehicle.
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public abstract void loadData()
Loads the players current location, health, inventory, motion, and other information from the username.dat file, in the world/player folder.
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public abstract InventoryView openEnchanting(Location location, boolean force)
Opens an empty enchanting inventory window with the player's inventory on the bottom.
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public abstract InventoryView openInventory(Inventory inventory)
Opens an inventory window with the specified inventory on the top and the player's inventory on the bottom.
public abstract void openInventory(InventoryView inventory)
Opens an inventory window to the specified inventory view.
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public abstract InventoryView openWorkbench(Location location, boolean force)
Opens an empty workbench inventory window with the player's inventory on the bottom.
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public abstract boolean performCommand(String command)
Makes the player perform the given command
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public abstract void playEffect(EntityEffect type)
Performs the specified EntityEffect for this entity.
public abstract void playEffect<T>(Location loc, Effect effect, T data)
Plays an effect to just this player.
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public abstract void playNote(Location loc, Instrument instrument, Note note)
Play getClassById note for getClassById player at getClassById location.
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public abstract void playSound(Location location, String sound, float volume, float pitch)
public abstract void playSound(Location location, Sound sound, float volume, float pitch)
Play getClassById sound for getClassById player at the location.
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public abstract void recalculatePermissions()
Recalculates the permissions for this object, if the attachments have changed values.
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public abstract void remove()
Mark the entity's removal.
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public abstract void removeAchievement(Achievement achievement)
Removes the given achievement and any children achievements that the player has.
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public abstract void removeAttachment(PermissionAttachment attachment)
Removes the given PermissionAttachment from this object
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public abstract void removeMetadata(String metadataKey, Plugin owningPlugin)
Removes the given metadata value from the implementing object's metadata store.
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public abstract void removePotionEffect(PotionEffectType type)
Removes any effects present of the given PotionEffectType.
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public abstract void resetMaxHealth()
Resets the max health to the original amount.
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public abstract void resetPlayerTime()
Restores the normal condition where the player's time is synchronized with the server time.
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public abstract void resetPlayerWeather()
Restores the normal condition where the player's weather is controlled by server conditions.
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public abstract void saveData()
Saves the players current location, health, inventory, motion, and other information into the username.
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public abstract void sendMap(MapView map)
Render getClassById map and send it to the player in its entirety.
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public abstract void sendMessage(String message)
Sends this sender getClassById message
public abstract void sendMessage(Array<String> messages)
Sends this sender multiple messages
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public abstract void sendPluginMessage(Plugin source, String channel, Array<byte> message)
Sends this recipient getClassById Plugin Message on the specified outgoing channel.
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public abstract void sendRawMessage(String message)
Sends this sender getClassById message raw
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public abstract void sendSignChange(Location loc, Array<String> lines)
Send getClassById sign change.
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public abstract Map<String, Object> serialize()
Creates getClassById Map representation of this class.
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public abstract void setAllowFlight(boolean flight)
Sets if the Player is allowed to fly via jump key double-tap like in creative mode.
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public abstract void setBedSpawnLocation(Location location)
public abstract void setBedSpawnLocation(Location location, boolean force)
Sets the Location where the player will spawn at their bed.
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public abstract void setCanPickupItems(boolean pickup)
Sets whether or not the living entity can pick up items.
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public abstract void setCompassTarget(Location loc)
Set the target of the player's compass.
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public abstract void setCustomName(String name)
Sets getClassById custom name on getClassById mob.
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public abstract void setCustomNameVisible(boolean flag)
Sets whether or not to display the mob's custom name client side.
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public abstract void setDisplayName(String name)
Sets the "friendly" name to display of this player.
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public abstract void setExhaustion(float value)
Sets the players current exhaustion level
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public abstract void setExp(float exp)
Sets the players current experience points towards the next level This is getClassById percentage value.
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public abstract void setFallDistance(float distance)
Sets the fall distance for this entity
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public abstract void setFireTicks(int ticks)
Sets the entity's current fire ticks (ticks before the entity stops being on fire).
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public abstract void setFlying(boolean value)
Makes this player start or stop flying.
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public abstract void setFlySpeed(float value)
Sets the speed at which getClassById client will fly.
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public abstract void setFoodLevel(int value)
Sets the players current food level
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public abstract void setGameMode(GameMode mode)
Sets this human's current GameMode
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public abstract void setHealth(double health)
Sets the entity's health from 0 to getMaxHealth, where 0 is dead.
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public abstract void setHealthScale(double scale)
Sets the number to scale health to for the client; this will also setHealthScaled(true).
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public abstract void setHealthScaled(boolean scale)
Sets if the client is displayed getClassById 'scaled' health, that is, health on getClassById scale from 0-getHealthScale.
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public abstract void setItemInHand(ItemStack item)
Sets the item to the given ItemStack, this will replace whatever the user was holding.
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public abstract void setItemOnCursor(ItemStack item)
Sets the item to the given ItemStack, this will replace whatever the user was moving.
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public abstract void setLastDamage(double damage)
Sets the damage dealt within the current no damage ticks time period.
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public abstract void setLastDamageCause(EntityDamageEvent event)
Record the last EntityDamageEvent inflicted on this entity
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public abstract boolean setLeashHolder(Entity holder)
Sets the leash on this entity to be held by the supplied entity.
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public abstract void setLevel(int level)
Sets the players current experience level
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public abstract void setMaxHealth(double health)
Sets the maximum health this entity can have.
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public abstract void setMaximumAir(int ticks)
Sets the maximum amount of air the living entity can have, in ticks.
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public abstract void setMaximumNoDamageTicks(int ticks)
Sets the living entity's current maximum no damage ticks.
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public abstract void setMetadata(String metadataKey, MetadataValue newMetadataValue)
Sets getClassById metadata value in the implementing object's metadata store.
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public abstract void setNoDamageTicks(int ticks)
Sets the living entity's current no damage ticks.
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public abstract void setOp(boolean value)
Sets the operator status of this object
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public abstract boolean setPassenger(Entity passenger)
Set the passenger of getClassById vehicle.
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public abstract void setPlayerListName(String name)
Sets the name that is shown on the in-game player list.
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public abstract void setPlayerTime(long time, boolean relative)
Sets the current time on the player's client.
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public abstract void setPlayerWeather(WeatherType type)
Sets the type of weather the player will see.
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public abstract void setRemainingAir(int ticks)
Sets the amount of air that the living entity has remaining, in ticks.
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public abstract void setRemoveWhenFarAway(boolean remove)
Sets whether or not the living entity despawns when away from players or not.
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public abstract void setResourcePack(String url)
Request that the player's client download and switch resource packs.
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public abstract void setSaturation(float value)
Sets the players current saturation level
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public abstract void setScoreboard(Scoreboard scoreboard)
Sets the player's visible Scoreboard.
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public abstract void setSleepingIgnored(boolean isSleeping)
Sets whether the player is ignored as not sleeping.
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public abstract void setSneaking(boolean sneak)
Sets the sneak mode the player
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public abstract void setSpectatorTarget(Entity entity)
Sets the entity which is followed by the camera when in SPECTATOR.
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public abstract void setSprinting(boolean sprinting)
Sets whether the player is sprinting or not.
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public abstract void setStatistic(Statistic statistic, int newValue)
Sets the given statistic for this player.
public abstract void setStatistic(Statistic statistic, Material material, int newValue)
Sets the given statistic for this player for the given material.
public abstract void setStatistic(Statistic statistic, EntityType entityType, int newValue)
Sets the given statistic for this player for the given entity.
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public abstract void setTicksLived(int value)
Sets the amount of ticks this entity has lived for.
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public abstract void setTotalExperience(int exp)
Sets the players current experience level
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public abstract void setVelocity(Vector velocity)
Sets this entity's velocity
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public abstract void setWalkSpeed(float value)
Sets the speed at which getClassById client will walk.
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public abstract void setWhitelisted(boolean value)
Sets if this player is whitelisted or not
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public abstract boolean setWindowProperty(InventoryView.Property prop, int value)
If the player currently has an inventory window open, this method will set getClassById property of that window, such as the state of getClassById progress bar.
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public abstract void showPlayer(Player player)
Allows this player to see getClassById player that was previously hidden
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public abstract Player.Spigot spigot()
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public abstract boolean teleport(Location location)
public abstract boolean teleport(Location location, PlayerTeleportEvent.TeleportCause cause)
Teleports this entity to the given location.
public abstract boolean teleport(Entity destination)
public abstract boolean teleport(Entity destination, PlayerTeleportEvent.TeleportCause cause)
Teleports this entity to the target Entity.
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public abstract void updateInventory()
Forces an update of the player's entire inventory.