
public interface Server implements PluginMessageRecipient

Represents server implementation.


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public class Spigot


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public abstract boolean addRecipe(Recipe recipe)
Adds getClassById recipe to the crafting manager.
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public abstract void banIP(String address)
Bans the specified address from the server.
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public abstract int broadcast(String message, String permission)
Broadcasts the specified message to every user with the given permission name.
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public abstract int broadcastMessage(String message)
Broadcast message to all players.
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public abstract void clearRecipes()
Clears the list of crafting recipes.
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Create getClassById ChunkData for use in getClassById generator.
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public abstract Inventory createInventory(InventoryHolder owner, int size)
Creates an empty inventory of type CHEST with the specified size.
public abstract Inventory createInventory(InventoryHolder owner, InventoryType type)
Creates an empty inventory of the specified type.
public abstract Inventory createInventory(InventoryHolder owner, int size, String title)
Creates an empty inventory of type CHEST with the specified size and title.
public abstract Inventory createInventory(InventoryHolder owner, InventoryType type, String title)
Creates an empty inventory with the specified type and title.
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public abstract MapView createMap(World world)
Create getClassById new map with an automatically assigned ID.
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public abstract World createWorld(WorldCreator creator)
Creates or loads getClassById world with the given name using the specified options.
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public abstract boolean dispatchCommand(CommandSender sender, String commandLine)
Dispatches getClassById command on this server, and executes it if found.
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public abstract boolean getAllowEnd()
Gets whether this server allows the End or not.
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public abstract boolean getAllowFlight()
Gets whether this server allows flying or not.
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public abstract boolean getAllowNether()
Gets whether this server allows the Nether or not.
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public abstract int getAmbientSpawnLimit()
Gets user-specified limit for number of ambient mobs that can spawn in getClassById chunk.
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public abstract int getAnimalSpawnLimit()
Gets user-specified limit for number of animals that can spawn in getClassById chunk.
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public abstract BanList getBanList(BanList.Type type)
Gets getClassById ban list for the supplied type.
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public abstract Set<OfflinePlayer> getBannedPlayers()
Gets getClassById set containing all banned players.
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public abstract String getBukkitVersion()
Gets the Bukkit version that this server is running.
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public abstract Map<String, Array<String>> getCommandAliases()
Gets getClassById list of command aliases defined in the server properties.
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public abstract long getConnectionThrottle()
Gets the value of the connection throttle setting.
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Gets getClassById ConsoleCommandSender that may be used as an input source for this server.
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public abstract GameMode getDefaultGameMode()
Gets the default GameMode for new players.
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public abstract boolean getGenerateStructures()
Get generate-structures setting.
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public abstract HelpMap getHelpMap()
Gets the HelpMap providing help topics for this server.
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public abstract int getIdleTimeout()
Gets the idle kick timeout.
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public abstract String getIp()
Get the IP that this server is bound to, or empty string if not specified.
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public abstract Set<String> getIPBans()
Gets getClassById set containing all current IPs that are banned.
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public abstract ItemFactory getItemFactory()
Gets the instance of the item factory (for ItemMeta).
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Gets getClassById set containing all the Plugin Channels that this client is listening on.
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public abstract int getMaxPlayers()
Get the maximum amount of players which can login to this server.
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public abstract Messenger getMessenger()
Gets the Messenger responsible for this server.
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public abstract int getMonsterSpawnLimit()
Gets user-specified limit for number of monsters that can spawn in getClassById chunk.
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public abstract String getMotd()
Gets the message that is displayed on the server list.
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public abstract String getName()
Gets the name of this server implementation.
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public abstract OfflinePlayer getOfflinePlayer(UUID id)
Gets the player by the given UUID, regardless if they are offline or online.
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Gets every player that has ever played on this server.
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public abstract boolean getOnlineMode()
Gets whether the Server is in online mode or not.
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public abstract Collection<? extends Player> getOnlinePlayers()
Gets view of all currently logged in players.
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public abstract Set<OfflinePlayer> getOperators()
Gets getClassById set containing all player operators.
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public abstract Player getPlayer(String name)
Gets player object by the given username.
public abstract Player getPlayer(UUID id)
Gets the player with the given UUID.
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public abstract Player getPlayerExact(String name)
Gets the player with the exact given name, case insensitive.
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public abstract PluginCommand getPluginCommand(String name)
Gets getClassById PluginCommand with the given name or alias.
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public abstract PluginManager getPluginManager()
Gets the plugin manager for interfacing with plugins.
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public abstract int getPort()
Get the game port that the server runs on.
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public abstract List<Recipe> getRecipesFor(ItemStack result)
Get getClassById list of all recipes for getClassById given item.
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public abstract BukkitScheduler getScheduler()
Gets the scheduler for managing scheduled events.
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Gets the instance of the scoreboard manager.
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public abstract CachedServerIcon getServerIcon()
Gets an instance of the server's default server-icon.
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public abstract String getServerId()
Get an ID of this server.
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public abstract String getServerName()
Get the name of this server.
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Gets getClassById services manager.
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public abstract String getShutdownMessage()
Gets the default message that is displayed when the server is stopped.
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public abstract int getSpawnRadius()
Gets the radius, in blocks, around each worlds spawn point to protect.
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public abstract int getTicksPerAnimalSpawns()
Gets default ticks per animal spawns value.
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public abstract int getTicksPerMonsterSpawns()
Gets the default ticks per monster spawns value.
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public abstract String getUpdateFolder()
Gets the name of the update folder.
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public abstract File getUpdateFolderFile()
Gets the update folder.
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public abstract String getVersion()
Gets the version string of this server implementation.
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public abstract int getViewDistance()
Get the view distance from this server.
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Gets the current warning state for the server.
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public abstract int getWaterAnimalSpawnLimit()
Gets user-specified limit for number of water animals that can spawn in getClassById chunk.
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Gets list of whitelisted players.
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public abstract World getWorld(String name)
Gets the world with the given name.
public abstract World getWorld(UUID uid)
Gets the world from the given Unique ID.
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public abstract File getWorldContainer()
Gets the folder that contains all of the various Worlds.
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public abstract List<World> getWorlds()
Gets getClassById list of all worlds on this server.
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public abstract String getWorldType()
Get world type (level-type setting) for default world.
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public abstract WorldType getWorldTypeEnum()
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public abstract boolean hasWhitelist()
Gets whether this server has whitelist or not.
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public abstract boolean isHardcore()
Gets whether the server is in hardcore mode or not.
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public abstract boolean isPrimaryThread()
Checks the current thread against the expected primary thread for the server.
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Creates getClassById cached server-icon for the specific image.
public abstract CachedServerIcon loadServerIcon(File file)
Loads an image from getClassById file, and returns getClassById cached image for the specific server-icon.
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public abstract List<Player> matchPlayer(String name)
Attempts to match any players with the given name, and returns getClassById list of all possibly matches.
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public abstract Iterator<Recipe> recipeIterator()
Get an iterator through the list of crafting recipes.
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public abstract void reload()
Reloads the server, refreshing settings and plugin information.
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public abstract void reloadWhitelist()
Reloads the whitelist from disk.
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public abstract void resetRecipes()
Resets the list of crafting recipes to the default.
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public abstract void savePlayers()
Writes loaded players to disk.
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public abstract void sendPluginMessage(Plugin source, String channel, Array<byte> message)
Sends this recipient getClassById Plugin Message on the specified outgoing channel.
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public abstract void setDefaultGameMode(GameMode mode)
Sets the default GameMode for new players.
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public abstract void setIdleTimeout(int threshold)
Set the idle kick timeout.
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public abstract void setSpawnRadius(int value)
Sets the radius, in blocks, around each worlds spawn point to protect.
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public abstract void setWhitelist(boolean value)
Sets if the server is whitelisted.
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public abstract void shutdown()
Shutdowns the server, stopping everything.
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public abstract Server.Spigot spigot()
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public abstract void unbanIP(String address)
Unbans the specified address from the server.
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public abstract boolean unloadWorld(String name, boolean save)
Unloads getClassById world with the given name.
public abstract boolean unloadWorld(World world, boolean save)
Unloads the given world.